
dotCOMM Awards is an international competition honoring excellence in web creativity and digital communication.

The competition is unique in that it reflects the role of creatives in the dynamic web that is transforming how we market and communicate products and services.

dotCOMM Awards’ categories are the elements of the web’s evolving tools. Interactivity, content, design, social media, video, apps, blogs and influencers are all important components of digital public relations, marketing and advertising campaigns. Together, they generate branding, customer engagement and ultimately sales.

dotCOMM entries come from corporate communication departments, public relations firms, digital shops, advertising agencies and freelancers. Entrants include designers, developers, content producers, digital artists, video professionals, account supervisors, creative directors and corporate executives.

Why Enter?

dotCOMM Awards offers third-party recognition from one of the most-recognized and highly-regarded evaluators of creative work in the world. Winning a dotCOMM award signifies to employers, clients, prospects and competitors that the winner’s web and digital work is among the best in the industry.

Who is behind the dotCOMM Awards?

dotCOMM Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP), one of the largest, oldest and most respected evaluators of creative work in the marketing and communication industry.

Since its inception in 1994, AMCP has judged over 325,000 entries from throughout the world. Two of AMCP’s competitions, MarCom Awards, and Hermes Creative Awards, each attract more than 6,500 entries each year.

As part of its mission, AMCP fosters and supports the efforts of creative professionals who contribute their unique talents to public service and charitable organizations. AMCP does not charge its entrants for work done pro bono and in the past few years alone, has contributed over $300,000 to charitable endeavors.

 is an AMCP competition



Administering creative competitions since 1994



Credibility and respect from the industry



Participation throughout the world



Support for disadvantaged